Discover The Importance Of Being Involved In Your Child's Preschool Education


Far too many parents underestimate the importance of being actively involved in their child's preschool education. After all, it's nothing more than a group of three- and four-year-old children playing with toys all day, right? Wrong. While it may look like your child is simply playing, they are actually learning social and academic skills that will be vital to their success throughout life. Below you will learn more about how your involvement in this process can help to benefit both you and your child.

Bridging The Gap

The change in structure between home and school can be difficult for many children. For instance, while it may be acceptable for your child to claim ownership over their toys at home, this behavior is not acceptable when sharing toys with a group of classmates. Grasping this concept can be hard for many children, especially if the toys at school are similar to the ones they have at home. This same problem is also present when it comes to other differences in classroom rules and household rules.

By working together with your child's educator to present a united front to your child, you will be to ease the transition between home and school. This is because, rather than viewing school as an activity that takes place solely outside of the home, your child will learn to view school as an extension of what they do at home, including the need to answer to you for any disciplinary problems they may have during the school day.

Raising The Bar

Young children will often aim to meet or exceed the expectations that their parents put forth for them. The problem is, while many parents are quite vocal about their desire for their child to do well in school, they never take the time to truly show the child exactly what this means. Do they expect them to get good grades? Do they expect them to behave well? Without the answers to these questions, children can be left with a poor understanding of exactly what their parents and teachers want from them.

Taking the time to be physically present in your child's preschool years can help to make your expectations clear and ensure your child understands these expectations. For instance, volunteering in your child's classroom once a week will allow you to immediately correct behaviors that do not live up to your expectations. When this is done, research shows that children will perform better academically and have fewer discipline problems throughout their academic career.

For more information about preschool and its benefits, check out websites like


20 February 2015

Exploring The Various Childcare Options Available Today

Hi there, I am Kristy Pithe. I am a mom of two wonderful children. I also work outside of the home for 40 to 60 hours a week. Juggling those two responsibilities put our family in a tailspin until I started using a nanny share. I was unaware this childcare option existed until one of my friends brought it up. The nanny share does not work for everyone, however. Luckily, there are tons of other childcare options available in each area. I hope to use my website to help others identify and find a childcare option that works best for their needs. I will explore all of the different facilities and caregivers available while discussing the benefits of each one. Families can use my site as their main resource on this difficult subject. Thank you.