
Ways Your Autistic Child May Benefit From ABA Therapy


While ABA therapy, or applied behavioral analysis therapy, is often used in the treatment of dementia, borderline personality disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is often referred to as the "gold standard" when it comes to treating autism. It can help improve social skills and may also help your child communicate better. An ABA therapy services provider uses positive reinforcement strategies to help your child to improve his or her learning and coping skills.

23 September 2019

Navigating The Holidays With A Kid In Child Care


The holidays come with extra-long to-do lists and enough stress to cause anyone to come undone. If you have kids in child care, you have a few extra things to remember. Here, you'll find a few tips to help to prevent you from losing your mind as you get through this crazy time of year. Know the Holiday Hours Your child's care center may not be open the same hours that they are typically open.

28 November 2018

Five Tips For Handling Resistance In The Morning Routine


Getting your child ready for daycare in the morning while also getting ready for work can be challenging, but it's made even worse if your child is resistant. Here are five tips to help you handle this: Show the Consequences of Procrastination: Don't be worried if your child skips breakfast. Just let your child's daycare provider know so that it can be made up for later in the day. It's better to teach your child the consequences of procrastination rather than trying to fight them in the morning.

28 November 2017

5 Things To Do In Combination With Natural Sleep Aids To Get Your Kids To Sleep


If your children have trouble sleeping at night, it can be a frustrating experience for your whole family. From difficulty waking up your children come morning to less alone time in the evening, looking for ways to help your children fall asleep is a necessity. Along with giving your children natural sleep aids for children that are safe for them to take, consider some of the following ideas. 1. Get Creative with Exercising In-Between Dinner and Bedtime

9 December 2015

School's Right Around The Corner . . . Is Your Your Child Prepared?


Whether you're a parent with a young child at home or someone who's caring for several children at a home-based daycare, part of your job is to ensure that each child in your care is ready for his or her first day of school. Many people do their best to teach each young minds to read; "Psychology Today" says that doing so gives the child a leg up in a number of important ways.

21 May 2015

4 Tips For Finding The Right Childcare


It is important to most parents to find the right childcare provider. Being able to not worry about the care of your child when you aren't around can make your life easier. There are certain things that should be considered before agreeing to leave you child in the hands of others. Knowing specific things to look for in the facility can help you make a well-informed selection. Tip #1: Check the turnover

26 February 2015

Discover The Importance Of Being Involved In Your Child's Preschool Education


Far too many parents underestimate the importance of being actively involved in their child's preschool education. After all, it's nothing more than a group of three- and four-year-old children playing with toys all day, right? Wrong. While it may look like your child is simply playing, they are actually learning social and academic skills that will be vital to their success throughout life. Below you will learn more about how your involvement in this process can help to benefit both you and your child.

20 February 2015